Top 5 Kindergym in Melbourne, Great Activities for Kids

If you’re a parent, you know how hard and energy-consuming playing with kids is. Kids are like balls of unlimited energy and need to run, jump, tumble, and climb until they tire out. For young children and their carers, KinderGym is a movement-based educational experience. Before starting school, kids need as many chances as possible to maximise their intellectual growth and improve their physical potential. KinderGym offers a secure setting where kids may grow physically at their own pace while having fun and playing. According to educational studies, children learn best when they explore and identify their skills via physical exercise.

Lucky for us, there are programs and child activity centres in Melbourne that help parents teach kids about their bodies and movement. We’re listing Melbourne’s top five so that you don’t have to search! 

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Skylark Sports

Gymnastics Teacher Sandhurst - Skylark Sports

Director Jasmin Meaker and her husband Alex established Skylark Sports in 2015 as a unique gymnastics club. Our pathway programmes at Skylark Sports aim to be friendly, enjoyable, and inclusive. Skylark Sports is a member-based athletic organisation that is an affiliate member of Gymnastics Victoria and Gymnastics Australia. Through Gymnastics Australia’s Risk Protection Program, we have complete insurance coverage. In addition to their years of experience and technical proficiency, our instructors are chosen for their true love of children and national accreditation.

Our KinderGym programmes provide children countless chances to learn, play, grow, and explore in a setting that is fun, safe, and exciting. Children learn best when they explore and identify their talents via physical exercise, according to research. Our skilled gymnastics instructors place a strong emphasis on the enjoyment of learning, and by providing just the appropriate amount of success and difficulty, we help youngsters realise that learning is enjoyable and that working hard pays off.

Contact: 03 9544 8008 (Mount Waverley), 03 9544 8008 (Lynbrook)


Gymnastics Unlimited 

Gymnastics Unlimited - To do in Melbourne

Your child will be introduced to a fun, engaging, and loving atmosphere at Gymnastics Unlimited Australia, where he or she may develop motor skills and learn the fundamentals of gymnastics. Their kindergarten curriculum only uses gymnastic apparatus, teaching kids how to climb, leap, roll, and swing while enhancing their physical and mental development. They provide numerous children’s activities, such as cheerleading, trampolining, recreational gymnastics, and kindergym.

Visit your child’s club at Gymnastics Unlimited Australia with them. Their skilled trainers ensure that your children have an enjoyable and exciting experience while learning various gymnastic techniques while you develop your gymnastics abilities. All children between the ages of 2 and 5 are welcome to attend their kinder gym lessons, which are taught with parents supporting their children at all times.

Contact: 0410 651 155


Moving Monkeys Gymnastics

Moving Monkeys Gymnastics - To do in Melbourne

The Moving Monkeys Gymnastics Kindergym programme is run in a structured, safe, and multisensory setting. To develop the complete kid, they focus on the fundamental movement patterns and gymnastics foundation abilities that are crucial in Early Childhood. They use caring coaches that are certified and accredited to help their participants develop to the fullest extent possible. The curriculum includes a wide range of techniques and skills to keep students interested, including music, group activities, guided exploration, gross and fine motor skills, visual perception, postural awareness, crossing the midline of the body (important for reading and writing), self-esteem, confidence, character development, listening, observing, and following directions.

Contact: 03 8609 6355


Fisher’s Bend Gymnastics

Through exploratory play, games, and music, Kindergym helps preschoolers develop their fundamental movement patterns, coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, and fine and gross motor abilities. The kindergym is a fantastic method to get your kid moving and make them ready for pre-school and school. Fisher’s Bend Gymnastics offers three different Kindergym classes: Play Gym, Koala Gym, and Kangaroo Gym. 

Contact: 0478 104 486



Melbourne Gym Sports

Melbourne Gym Sports - To do in Melbourne
For kids between the ages of three and five, KinderGym is an excellent extracurricular option. The application gives a basic overview of movement concepts such as object manipulation, balance, locomotion, springing, and landing. The basis for all sports is provided by KinderGym, where children may acquire transferrable skills in a delightful and encouraging setting. To ensure that their KinderGym programme emphasises all development elements, the Melbourne Gym Sports staff collaborated with a top paediatric occupational therapist.

Kindergym FAQ

Children may plan and perform fundamental motor skills, such as running, leaping, catching, kicking, and throwing, with the help of KinderGym. Additionally, the programme gives kids a foundation in basic movement, enabling them to play and explore while honing their coordination, balance, agility, and self-esteem.

The best time for young children to take gymnastics courses is when they are still developing, when they need the most support with their strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, cognitive development, and social and emotional learning.

Based on theories of early childhood education, KinderGym offers children under the age of five an opportunity to learn via movement. The mother, father, or caregiver of the kid actively participates in the programme, which emphasises the child as the main focus point.

A crucial component of the curriculum is teaching youngsters how to follow directions, take turns, respect other students and instructors, and collaborate well with both friends and other kids.

Dr. Carole Pinnock was inspired to create the KinderGym programme in South Australia in 1980 after she and her son participated in a movement programme for preschoolers in Berkeley, California.